Reclaiming Our History? Creative Responses to the Nazi Persecution of Disabled People, Part II
by Emmeline Burdett 1 My previous post looked at the ways in which organisations and individuals within the British disability movement have used references to, and symbols connected with, the Nazi persecution of disabled people. I argued that early references were intended both to encourage a sense of common identity amongst disabled people, and to demonstrate that they were an oppressed minority. This latter interpretation was radically different from the traditional view of disabled people as suffering exclusively from their impairments. In this post, I am going to discuss Tanvir Bush’s forthcoming novel CULL , and Liz Crow’s 2008 documentary, exhibition, and art installation, Resistance . In their different ways, both of these engage creatively with the Nazi persecution of disabled people and ask what relevance this has today. Although Bush’s novel Cull is not due to be published until January 2019, she has written an as-yet unpublished article in which she explains the nove